Saturday, February 7, 2009

Gaddafi's Vision

Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi was elected by African leaders. The chairmanship of an African Union is rotating every year. Gaddafi in his acceptance speech gave emphasis his vision of the United States of Africa. He argues the unity process should start immediately. But, some African leaders dis-agree with him. They need more time to study the unity process.
According to Gaddafi, Africa should have one flage, one Constitution, a single military, a single currency and a single passport to move freely with in the Continent. The United States Africa proposed by Nkrumah, Emperor Hiles Selisa and well known African freedom figthers 50 years ago. However, those African hero dream yet vain.
Gaddafi lacks of moral and political rectitude to call such a great unity. He is one of African dictator for the last 40 years. Currently, majority of African leaders are corrupted and brutal dictators. I believe , one day the United States of African dream will be real by democrat next generation African leaders.

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