Monday, March 30, 2009

Lose 20 labs in 2 day

The “Lose 20 lbs in 2 days” workshop was held on March 10 at Ohlone room. The workshop’s main object was to teach the truth about fad diets. Only seven people five women and two men attended. The speaker starts the workshop by asking, “What are Fad Diets.?”
In fact, the fad diet is a totally new idea to me. I had never heard about fad diet before this workshop. I never knew anyone who has tried a fad diet either. Fad diet is “a diet or idiosyncratic eating patterns that promise quick weight loss and are usually popular for only a short time.” Some examples of fad diets are Atkins, negative calorie diet and zone diet. Most fad diets are typically short-term diet plans. Not only they are low in calories but also they are likely to be lacking adequate nutrition.
One important thing I learn from this workshop was that the fad diet is not good to any one because fad diet offer only short term weight loss. Also, it is hazardous and unhealthy. Instead, you can loss your weight without skip meals, by watching protein sizes and by eating a variety of foods. I think the workshop was very helpful those who have planed to lose weight without skipping their favorite food. The workshop teaches safe and practical ways to approach healthy weight loss.
In conclusion, the workshop was excellent. To me it was an unforgettable moment. However, the participants were very few. Even some workshop participants left the room at the middle of discussion.

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