Thursday, April 9, 2009


Pop star Madonna’s bid to adopt a Malawi child has filed in last week. Madonna, who was asking for an interim adoption, appealed against a high court decision denying her bid to adopt a four-year-old girl. Malawi is an impoverished country that has an estimated one million orphaned children. Madonna has set up a charity for Malawian children. The country is devastated by the AIDS epidemic like most African countries.
This adoption child would be Madonna’s second child from Malawi. Even though Madonna’s adoption has failed so far, she and Angelina Jolie adopt more infant from Africa, inspiring more Americans to consider African adoption. According to Federal Office of Immigration Statistics, last year, nearly 23,000 children born abroad were adopted into American families-more than three times the number of international adoptions. Also, the number of African adoption children adopted by American parents rose from 66% to 94% respectively, between fiscal years 2005 and 2006.

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